Figure 1. Carsten Grunwaldt and Elizaveta Chaika giving seminar at Sumy State University

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DAAD work placement seminar

The MedEUk team organized and conducted back in 2019 two seminars with the representative of the DAAD office in Sumy Carsten Grunwaldt (DAAD-Lektor, Nationale Agrar-Universität Sumy, Lehrstuhl für Deutsch, 160, vul. Gerasima Kondrat’jeva, 40021 Sumy,

mob.: +38-063-94-95-669,


One seminar was about a possibility for the teaching group 15 members max to go to Germany to visit 3 universities. Carsten brought with him a SumDU teacher who has already received this type of the DAAD grant and went to Germany with her group of students.

Another seminar was devoted to possibilities to find job in Germany as a medical doctor/personnel after completion of the medical teaching program at SumDU and having received the Diploma from the SumDU. This time Carsten brought with him a medical doctor (Fig. 1), a former graduate of our University, who went to Germany to pass examination in order to be selected for a medical job in Germany. This way she shared her first-had experience with our students. Her name is Elizaveta Chaika, she works as a psychotherapist at the Medea clinic in Sumy ( Both seminars evoked vivid interest among teaching stuff and students of our University. Even some years after the seminars some students still remember information received at the seminars, and we discuss these European opportunities from time to time.
